Thursday, October 15, 2009


Human beings grow through connection. Honest, open, vulnerable connection. That's what this blog is for. I am here to help you become as rich as a redwood in charming and delighting others. So let's start...

Think about a tree. It's alive, right? I would say its interaction with sunlight. Is that it?

The difference between a tree and me, is that I can move! I'm alive, present, conscious. Open to the world around me.

A tree, on the other hand, just basks in the light. It starts as a tiny seed and can become a 2000 ton redwood, rocking the sunlight for a good 2000 years. Such a phenomenon is inspiring and a great lesson! Trees live to find the light.

As animals, our energy is derived from this light. We are deeply connected to plants in this way. Taken one step further, we are immanently connected to the sun. On a gloomy day, when plant-life withers, some of us realize we wither too.

Plants seek the light. It is there purpose and it is dreamily simple. When we eat a plant, we are not just ingesting the plant, but a form sunlight!

So how can we grow? If plants grow by being in the light, what is our own form of light? And how can we move closer to it?

My answer is stop doing what is not you.

Many people become deeply stressed in their jobs. Likewise, they lose their passions and purpose. They have forgotten how to grow and enjoy what gives them meaning. Taking the kid to school is not a wonderful memory, but an excuse to be stressed. Compulsive thinking (office work, phone calls to make) steamrolls the enjoyment of sitting at the baseball game.

There is a simplicity in knowing what makes you grow. And once you find that, you can share it with 1000 people.

My challenge to you is to stop doing what does not make you grow. If you do not know what makes you grow, then sit quietly for a few moments contemplating who you are and what you would like to have happen for your life.

Our purpose as human beings is simple, it's to grow. Just like the tree, we were meant to grow. This can only happen by moving towards the light.

We grow not through possessions, but through experience. We grow by moving towards the light, just like the tree. It is time to take responsibility of finding what makes you grow and moving towards more and more of it!

It can be so simple. Playfulness, creativity, dreams, inspiration, encouragement, challenge, or passion. These are not possessions, but experiences. Memories.

What has made you life grow? Was it a job? A decision you made long ago? A kiss you shared with someone on a rooftop?

Forget whether you were allowed to keep that beautiful moment forever. Knowing it is enough. Once you know what you're looking for, you can start searching for it.

Our job is to find our essence for personal growth and expand it to its fullest potential. We are guided, like a flower, to this purposeful and beautiful light.

Let's move toward the light...

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